Saturday, May 14, 2011

Just the Facts

This is just going to be the Cliffs Notes version of the last month six weeks.  I have been doing a lot of soul searching and there will be much rehashing of this decision in the future, but for now, I thought you all might be wondering just how this whole move back to Indiana came about.

Back in March, Mark received a call about a possible position back in Indianapolis.  IF it hadn’t been something he has always been interested in doing nothing more would have come of it.  BUT, he began a conversation about the position and his qualifications and interest.  After a couple of phone calls it progressed into a full blown offer.

Which we turned down.
And went on with our lives at peace with our decision.

Until they called back.
And sweetened the deal.

At which point we had an unbelievably difficult choice to make.  We truly like it here.  And our kids like it here.  And we just moved here.  And we had almost survived our first winter.  And it hadn’t been that bad.  And, and, and....the list went on and on.

So we talked.  We prayed.  We cried (okay, that was just me).  We begged God to give us direction.  We talked.  We prayed.  We cried (again, just me).   We had others pray for us.  We actually wrote out a pros and cons list!  We wrestled and agonized over this decision more than probably any other in our entire marriage and then took the job.

End of story.

But it’s really not the end of the story.  It’s just the end of one chapter and the beginning of another.  And while I am so sad for this one to be coming to an end I do have hope in the chapters that have yet to be written.  And through the process I grow closer to the Author and continue to place my trust in His loving hands.

Jeremiah 29:11  “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

This is the verse that we clung to on our way to North Dakota and this is the verse we will cling to on our departure.

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